Let It Ride Strategy Guide

Catching wild Pokémon has never been more fun than it is in Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu!and Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!, and with theright strategy, catching Pokémon can be more productive than ever, too. Whenyou catch Pokémon of the same species consecutively, you'll start to build a CatchCombo. Your Catch Combo will continue to grow as you catch more and more of thesame Pokémon, increasing the odds that rare Pokémon will appear and that thePokémon you're catching will have high stats. You might even find a ShinyPokémon!
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Building a Catch Combo is the best way to catch fantasticPokémon, and the best way to earn lots of Candy and Exp. Points, too. Read onfor some tips to get the most out of building Catch Combos in Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!
The key to achieving the best bonuses from Catch Combos iscontinuing to catch the same species of Pokémon over and over. The higher yourcurrent Catch Combo, the better your odds of netting fantastic Pokémon. You'llalso be more likely to continue encountering the same Pokémon the higher yourCatch Combo grows, making it easier to keep building your streak.
You'll receive lots of Berries, Candies, and Exp. Points asyou catch more Pokémon. As your Catch Combo grows, you'll also be much more likely to encounterPokémon with high individualstrengths and be more likely to encounter Shiny Pokémon, too. You'll need aCatch Combo of more than 30 to maximize your potential bonuses, so fill yourteam with Pokémon you want to level up and get ready to hunker down.
Your combo will end if you catch a different species ofPokémon, or if any wild Pokémon runs away from you. Your streak will not end ifyou flee the encounter instead, soyou should bail if you accidentally bump into the wrong Pokémon. Be warned thatcatching a Pokémon's Evolution willbreak the Catch Combo—so catching a Pidgeotto would break your chain of Pidgey,and vice versa. Your Catch Combo will also end if you turn off your game, butputting your Nintendo Switch into sleep mode is fine. Your Catch Combo will not be broken when you move to a newarea, so you can always leave to buy more Poké Balls or even continue your CatchCombo on another route where your target Pokémon appears.
Your current Catch Combo will be displayed in the upper-leftcorner of the screen when you're engaged with a wild Pokémon and on the screenafter you've made a catch. The bonuses you'll enjoy are directly related to thesize of your Catch Combo, so it's important to be aware of your current streak.
Let It Ride Strategy Guide Review
It's much easier to build a long Catch Combo on Pokémon thatare simpler to catch, so you may want to start out with lower level Pokémon orwith Pokémon that are more docile. Don't forget you can use Berries like a RazzBerry or a Golden Razz Berry to make it easier to catch wild Pokémon and keepyour combo growing. We also suggest stocking up on Ultra Balls—you don't wantto have a long chain broken by a Pokémon escaping, or worse yet, have a ShinyPokémon slip through your fingers!
You'll likely notice your Catch Combos are coaxing rarePokémon into appearing before you observe any of the other bonuses. Almostevery area has a Pokémon that will ordinarily be very rare, but will becomemore common as your Catch Combo grows. Many of these Pokémon were onlyavailable once in the original PokémonYellow: Special Pikachu Edition, but with a little work you can get as manyas you want in Pokémon: Let's Go,Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let's Go,Eevee!
Pokémon | Location |
Bulbasaur | ViridianForest |
Charmander | Route3, Route 4, Rock Tunnel |
Porygon | Route7 |
Lapras | Route20 |
Squirtle | Route24, Route 25, Seafoam Islands |
Hitmonlee | VictoryRoad (2F) |
Hitmonchan | VictoryRoad (3F) |
Snorlax | CeruleanCave |
Chansey | Most otherlocations |
Catching any of these Pokémon will still break your CatchCombo if you were building it up on a different species, but they're well worthit!
Once you gain the ability to ride Pokémon in the sky, you'llalso start to find some rare Pokémon soaring above the Kanto region. You'll frequentlyfind Charizard and Dragonite when your Catch Combo is large, but rumor has ityou might also encounter some Legendary Pokémon you've already caught once youbecome the Champion and if you're very, very lucky...
Catch Combos are also the key to finding Pokémon with high individualstrengths, the innate capability each Pokémon has for each of their stats. Normally,it's completely random what individual strengths a wild Pokémon will have, but CatchCombos can put the odds in your favor. You can see an estimation of yourPokémon's individual strengths by using the Judge function on your Pokémon'ssummary screen. You'll get the Judge function from one of Professor Oak'sassistants in the gate on Route 11 once you've caught at least 30 differentspecies of Pokémon.
Pokémon with higher individual strengths will have higherstats as a result, so catching Pokémon with impressive individual strengths isa great shortcut toward tackling tough challenges like defeating MasterTrainers. You'll need a Catch Combo of more than 10 before the Pokémon youcatch will have the maximum potential for some individual strengths. Once yourCatch Combo is more than 30, each Pokémon you catch will have the maximumindividual strength in at least four stats. Note that only members of thespecies of Pokémon you're chaining will have increased individual strengths—youcan't “cash in” a chain on a different Pokémon.
If you're searching for a Pokémon to use in battle—perhaps againsta Master Trainer—don't forget that you can also guarantee its Natureby paying a fee to the fortune teller in the Celadon City Pokémon Center.

If it's the rarest Pokémon you seek, nothing can match thedistinctly colored ShinyPokémon. While these Pokémon won't performany differently in battle than their more commonly hued counterparts, they'remore fun than ever to show off now that you can let them out of their PokéBalls to explore Kanto alongside you.
Let It Ride Strategy Guide Wow Classic
Just like with a Pokémon's individual strengths, you'll needa large Catch Combo to maximize your odds of encountering Shiny Pokémon. Try toget a Catch Combo of more than 30, when the Pokémon's individual strengths stopimproving. But you shouldn't expect to find a Shiny Pokémon quickly even with alarge Catch Combo! These Pokémon are extremely rare even in the best of times,so it's a serious accomplishment when you do find one.
There are number of other things you can do to furtherincrease your odds of finding Shiny Pokémon before you head out on the search.You can use any of the Lure items to further increase your odds of encounteringShiny Pokémon. It's also worth completing your Pokédex before tracking downShiny Pokémon. After you do, you can visit the GAME FREAK Development Office inthe Celadon Condominiums to receive the Shiny Charm, an item that increasesyour odds of encountering Shiny Pokémon even more.
Have fun reaping the rewards of Catch Combos! Keep an eye onPokemon.com/Strategy for more Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon, Let's Go, Eevee! strategyarticles, as well as more Pokémon TCG and video game articles and tournamentcoverage.