Weird Betting Sites

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Odds Shark has compiled a list of the best prop betting sites. Also, be sure to take a look at all of the Super Bowl 55 prop bets. Super Bowl 55 Exotic Game Props. The Super Bowl 55 exotic game props include betting markets outside of your more conventional options. Typically you could bet on the total number of passing yards or who will score.

ESPN2 has resorted to covering National Puppy Day like it's the Super Bowl.
Weird Betting Sites
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We're now entering uncharted territory when it comes to life without sports, and there's no indication they'll be back anytime soon. March Madness is canceled. The NBA and NHL seasons are likely lost, forever an outlier in the record books with no postseason champions declared. The MLB season certainly is at least a month away, if not much longer. The NCAA and NFL football leagues are even rumored to be bracing themselves for delays, if not total cancellations, and their seasons are still months away.

The struggle is real, especially for those who gamble on sports. It's caused them to — let's just say — get creative when it comes to scratching their betting itches. Things have started to get weird.

Bruh, the sports world so dead right now FanDuel doing a contest on the Democratic debate LMAOOOOOOO ????????????????????

— Hen Hefner (@YungEmac) March 15, 2020

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Recently, FanDuel — a daily fantasy sports company that allows some fans in certain states to bet on sports — let players place bets on phrases or words that would be uttered in the Democratic debate between former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders. Think of the contests exactly as you would a fantasy football league, only instead of a touchdown, Sanders saying 'Trump' or Biden mentioning coronavirus are worth points.

This is where we are. What a time, huh? It actually gets weirder. So, so much weirder.

Check out the Rival Stars Horse Racing App! ????????
Players can feel the thrill & thunder of horse racing through virtual races!

— 3 FURLONGS OUT (@3furlongsout) March 18, 2020

In light of things going on in the U.S., fans are going underground, betting on events such as the KHL Russian Hockey League, Turkish and Mexican soccer leagues, and virtual horse racing. You read that correctly — people are actually placing wagers on computerized horse races. People are betting on television shows such as Survivor and The Bachelor. These things are really happening.


Bovada, a sportsbook company based in Costa Rica, has even resorted to the ridiculous betting equivalent of watching grass grow: It's taking bets on the maximum temperatures in various cities around the country. It's like roulette, only with climate change.

According to co-founder Jesse Rowe, betting on the weather might be here to stay. 'Even when major sports do return, we think we'll still be standing because let's face it, people are more likely to guess their local temperature correctly than a Browns football game coming this fall,' Rowe told CNBC.

Until recently, some fans had turned to Australian football, also known as rugby, to get their fix. That avenue was quickly closed as Australia saw a spike in COVID-19 cases Saturday. Sports bettors really can't buy a bucket right now.

Hope you all liked your brief introduction to Australian football because it’s also over. ????

— RedditCFB (@RedditCFB) March 22, 2020

ESPN2 celebrates #NationalPuppyDay
???? Six hours of prime time dogs
Monday 6 p.m. - Midnight ET ESPN2

— ESPN PR (@ESPNPR) March 22, 2020

It's slim pickings for hot sports-betting action. ESPN is airing fictitious The Ocho content, popularized by the Ben Stiller movie Dodgeball. ESPN2 has resorted to covering National Puppy Day like it's the Super Bowl, and we're not at all sure there won't be gambling involved. In fact, we sort of hope there is.

We sports fans are all in this together, but completely apart. Every bit of sports content is being treated like an ounce of gold. Desperate times call for embarrassingly desperate measures. Hopefully when things go back to normal, so too will the gambling world.

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This article contains a roundup of the unusual and occasionally weird betting markets you can find on the Pinnacle website. Read on for odds on everything from marble racing to landing on Mars.

The majority of sports bettors currently find themselves in the unique position of having almost all of the sports they spend their time researching, analysing and betting on have been suspended for the foreseeable future. This unprecedented situation means many people are beginning to ask the same question; what are people betting on?

Firstly, it’s important to distinguish that if people take their betting seriously, they likely aren’t betting on anything (unless one of the available markets is their specialty). This is because the information available to these bettors to get an edge can’t simply be transferred from one sport to another.

However, those who bet for entertainment might be interested in some of the available betting markets as they offer just that; entertainment. These markets are so unique and offered at such relatively small limits that while you can make money off of them, they are more likely seen as a bit of fun.

PDC Darts at Home

Some of the biggest names in darts compete from the comfort of their own homes in nightly competition which can be watched live on the PDC website where fixtures and tournament rules can be found. With 34 nights of matches now could be the time for new fans to learn about the sport.


Will a human set foot on Mars by 1/1/2025? Which organisation will put a human being on Mars first? Will there be a 10-person Mercury Base by 2029? Predict the future of space travel with these entertainment props.

Weird betting sites games

When will the Premier League return?

Weird Betting Sites

Many people around the world are eagerly anticipating the resumption of major domestic soccer leagues such as the Premier League (which has been on hold March 13). You can now stay up to date with the likelihood of which date the Premier League will be back in action and with Pinnacle offering odds on these dates, you can also bet on it as well within our premier league odds.

Nfl Betting Sites

Virtual Formula 1

Date: 5 April

Weird Betting Sites Free

The Virtual F1 Series sees professional racers take to the grid alongside celebrities to put their virtual racing skills to the test. As you would expect, the races are more haphazard than regular Formula One which makes for an entertaining spectacle.

Read our article for more insight into Virtual F1.

Rescheduled major soccer events

Weird Betting Sites Online

While domestic soccer leagues are still enduring a period of uncertainty, the major international competitions due to take place in a few months have been moved to next year to allow the domestic leagues more time to conclude their season.

Pinnacle have reposted their odds for these markets so you can already look ahead to the rearranged Euro 2021 and Copa America 2021 with outrights available on those competitions.

2020 US election

Incumbent Donald Trump is perhaps unusually favoured to win the next Presidential election despite also being heavily odds against to win the popular majority. This is certainly one market where current events could have a major impact on the outcome. Can you gauge the perception of how Donald Trump is handling Covid-19? Does that put him at an advantage or disadvantage for the Presidential election?

Best Online Betting Sites

See how your predictions line up with Pinnacle’s.

Next US president predictions

To win the popular majority

Pinnacle’s Presidential Election odds are even available on a state-by-state basis so you can see how likely each candidate is to win the major swing states.

Sports you may have missed

Some previously overlooked sports have their chance to shine with events ongoing even whilst the major sporting leagues are postponed. One such sport is table tennis which continues with the Setka Cup - the highlight amongst the tournaments continuing to be played.
The action certainly comes thick and fast with the Setka Cup. The event features four matches being played on four tables at the same time, with mini-tournaments taking place on a daily basis (including weekends) with competitors from both a semi-professional and professional skill level.

NFL Regular Season MVP

The NFL is one of the biggest sports leagues in the world that is yet to be impact by Covid-19. Simply because it isn’t due to begin until September. While the regular season wins and outrights for the Super Bowl are fairly standard market offerings, one interesting market available to bettors is for the MVP award.
Will Patrick Mahomes build on a Super Bowl win and follow it up with an MVP award? Can Lamar Jackson win back-to-back regular season MVP awards? Does Tom Brady have a chance of winning individual honours with his new franchise? Bettors are already having their say and with Pinnacle’s NFL outright odds now available, you can too.


It’s been over a decade since Pinnacle started offering esports odds. Known as the pioneer of esports betting, Pinnacle offers better esports odds and more markets across more titles than anyone else. As these events are either played online or can be moved from LAN (local area network – or offline) to online, they have largely been uninterrupted.

  • Read: How to bet on CS:GO
This has resulted in a steep increase in esports betting amongst traditional sports bettors. While they are unique markets that take time to understand, they is certainly value available to bettors. Pinnacle currently has odds for CS:GO, League of Legends and Dota as well as a wide range of esports articles to help beginners learn more about the increasingly popular world of esports.
Exciting upcoming events include the League of Legends LCS North America, Overwatch League, CS:GO ESEA Europe and many more.

Improve your betting knowledge

Weird Betting Sites

The break in sports is perhaps an opportunity for bettors to brush up on their betting knowledge. Visit Pinnacle’s betting resources section for extensive coverage of betting strategy so you will be well prepared for when sport returns to normality. Alternatively, you can watch helpful videos on Pinnacle’s YouTube channel or listen to interesting interviews with betting professionals on the Pinnacle Podcast.