20 40 Stud Rules

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20/40 Stud at Bellagio

Glenn and I decided to head to Bellagio on Friday. I spied out a 20/40 Stud game. Wow, it looked pretty good. Well, it looked pretty good for Bellagio’s typical 20/40 Stud, anyway. I put my name on the list and got called rather fast. I also put my name down on the interest list for 15/30 and 30/60 Razz. Believe it or not, there were three other names on the Razz list (no name players that I am aware of), but it never got going. I guess TV is having an impact on “dead” games.

I was lucky to be seated in the six seat. But the guy who was in the seven was 6’5″, so it was more to the side than I would have liked. I didn’t mind too much though, it was a good game.

I was up early. I could see the sharks smacking their lips, thinking I was a rich tourist. Somehow, they assume that if you buy in for the minimum, you must “not know any better.” They don’t seem to take the hundreds into consideration.

20 40 Stud Poker Rules high definition. The live casino games are all powered by 20 40 Stud Poker Rules Evolution Gaming, a software provider who has won numerous awards for Casino Supplier of the Year and Innovation in Casino Entertainment. With innovative games like Lightning Roulette, Infinite Blackjack, 20 40 Stud Poker Rules. Poker is any of a number of card games in which players wager over which hand is best according to that specific game's rules in ways similar to these rankings.Often using a standard deck, poker games vary in deck configuration, the number of cards in play, the number dealt face up or face down, and the number shared by all players, but all have rules that involve one or more rounds of betting.

Although I was the youngest player, by far, this wasn’t the geriatric table, like so many other Stud games have become in Vegas. The tall guy in the seven was probably only 50-55. There was a guy about my age (35) in the three seat, and he was helping feed the table. A similar calling station was in the one seat, but he was a tad more aggressive and tricky than the three seat.

The Vegas players thought I was cute and hilarious by always saying “complete” instead of “raise.” Some of them knew that it was correct to say “complete,” but they still said it sounded funny to hear it in Vegas.

I was up very early, but then took a series of hits. You know the ones that you dream about, the gutshot on the river when two of their cards are dead and they don’t even know they’re drawing to two outs? You’ve been there, right? LOL :)

I bought in for another two hundred and was in for $400 altogether when I had a tiny stack of reds left ($45) besides the hundreds. Naturally, that is when my hands started holding up a little bit more often, and I went on a tear from that $45 up to $715. I had to cash out at 7:30 due to the Binion’s tourney at 8pm.

Later we returned to Bellagio. I was doing well, about $300 up when I overplayed a hand. Just a few hands earlier, I’d defended my bring-in with an ace in the hole which was completely live, and an over card to any possible pair. In fact, all three of my cards were live. The stealer was a younger guy (for this table) in the seven seat, who seemed to be perpetually on tilt.

I paired nines first and stuck with him. On fifth it was still three-handed, and my board was looking better and better, whereas his was looking worse. He continued to bet and I let him lead. On sixth I paired the aces and was high. I checked, let him bet, then check-raised him. He turned every shade of red and purple, but called anyway. On seventh I bet right out, and he did his little Hollywood act, then finally folded. He was so steamed he took a walk after that hand.

So next is where I messed up. I had split kings and completed. He limp re-raised me with a nine doorcard. Caution lights went up, but I kept thinking about how steamed he was, how mad he was at me check-raising him, how little he thought of female players. I couldn’t get that out of my mind, and stopped paying attention to all warning signs.

I ended up playing my king’s up all the way to the river, knowing that he had to have me beat with the raggediest looking board, no pair showing. Sure enough, he had nine’s full. I wouldn’t think logically and look at his calm, assured demeanor. Instead, I let him play me like a fiddle, which is exactly what he did.

So I made a little profit at Stud, but it should have been more, could have been more, had I paid more attention to what I “knew,” instead of what I wanted to believe. That’s poker, that is why we are forever students of the game.

Felicia :)

The rules of betting, raising, and re-raising in seven card stud can be tricky, and at my little stints at the live tables, even the more experienced players have trouble keeping track of what the minimum bet is depending on what street of cards has just been dealt. In multi-way hands, it can even get more confusing if one isn't paying close attention to what is going on.

It is especially important to be paying attention to the table during the betting rounds if you are in a hand and intend to stay in for the next round(s). Asking the dealer or the players at the table what the next bet is, or betting over the minimum allowable bet mistakenly, tells other players at the table just how good (or not so good) your hand is. If you must ask, ask. It is not uncommon to ask what the minimum bet or call to stay in a hand is if there are re-raises at the table, however, do not make it a habit.

This is an example of a low stakes table where you can see how checking, betting, raising and re-raising works in a seven card stud game:

This table: $1/$2 Stud-Hi Table , 25¢ Ante, 50¢ Bring-In

8 players ante 25¢ and are dealt their first three cards, (the third card dealt to each player is dealt facing up, called the door card. The player with the lowest numbered door card is in first position for betting. The bring-in bet is a forced bet, and the player must place the bring-in bet regardless of whether they want to play their cards or not for the next round. At this table the bring-in bet is a minimum of 50¢.

The first position player can bring in the minimum bet or make a complete bet. The minimum bet at this table for the first two rounds is $1, so the bring-in player's options for betting are; bring-in with 50¢, or, bring-in with a complete bet of $1.

If the bring-in player chooses to bring in with 50¢, players wanting to stay in the hand have the option of calling, completing, raising and re-raising. If any player has 'completed', then players have the option of calling or re-raising. Checking in this round is not allowed.

Starting hand (three cards, one faced up)

Player 1: bring-in
Player 2: call
Player 3: call
Player 4: completes
Player 5: call
Player 6: call
Player 7: raise
Player 8: re-raise

A re-raise must be 100% of the last raise. After a raise is made, there is another go-round at the table to see if any players will call the raise. Players 1-7 have the opportunity to fold, call or re-raise. Players who want to stay in the round at this table by calling, must match player 8's bet of $3. Any player re-raising player 8 has capped the bets for round 1, meaning that the round of betting has been raised to its maximum. In this example, everyone called except player 1.

Starting hand (calling raises and re-raises)

Player 1 (brought in)Fold
Player 2: call+ $2.75
Player 3: call+$2.75
Player 4: call+
Player 5: call+
Player 6: call+
Player 7: call+
Player 8

Now that all bets are called for the starting hand, the dealer burns the top card from the deck and deals out the fourth street card. The minimum bet for this round is $1. The player with the highest hand showing in their two-card up-facing hand has first betting position, and has the opportunity to check to the next player, bet, or double bet. Fourth street is the only time that a double-bet can be made, and it can only be made by the player in first position if they are showing a pair. A double-bet at this table would be $2 since the minimum bet for this round is $1. In this hand, Player 4 has first betting position. If the player in first position checks, he passes the opportunity on to Player 5 to check or bet. This continues around the table until a player makes a bet. Once a bet is made, players decide if they want to play their hand by calling or raising. Anyone not wanting to call will then fold. The maximum betting at a table is capped at 'four bets'. From the time the first bet is made, it can be raised up to three more times. A double bet, naturally, counts as two bets.

Fourth Street Round (Minimum Bet $1)

Player 4: bet (first position)
Player 5: fold-----
Player 6: fold-----
Player 7: call
Player 8: call
Player 1: outNot in the round
Player 2: call
Player 3: fold-----

Now that all bets, calls, and folds are done for fourth street, the dealer burns the top card from the deck and deals the fifth street card. The minimum bet for this round and all succeeding rounds to the river is $2. The player with the highest hand showing in the fifth street hand has first betting position. Player 7 has taken over first position at this table and has the first opportunity to check, or can place the minimum fifth street bet. Remember that the movement around the table goes clockwise, so beginning from Player 7, the order of betting, calling, raising, or folding for the round of this table with the remaining players moves respectively. Players 7 and 8 check. Player 2 bets, player 4 folds. It goes back to player 7 to make a decision on whether to call, raise, or fold, and then to Player 8. Fourth-street betting rules also have special betting options depending on the cards showing which is not explained here. (see strategy section)

Fifth Street (minimum bet $2)

Player 7: check √ (first position)
Player 8: check
Player 1: outnot in the round
Player 2: bets
Player 3: outnot in the round
Player 4: folds-----
Player 5: outnot in the round
Player 6: outnot in the round
Player 7: call
Player 8: call

Now that all bets, calls and folds are done for fifth street, the dealer burns the top card from the deck and deals the fifth street card. The minimum bet for this round and all succeeding rounds to the river is $2. The player with the highest hand showing in their four up-card (sixth street) hand has the first betting position. Player 2 takes over first position. Only the remaining players that are playing fifth street will be listed here. Note that the 'four bet' cap is occurring during this hand. Remember that any raise must be 100% of the last raise, or in this case, double the minimum bet. If the minimum bet is $2, the minimum and maximum raise is $2. The next raise above that must be $2 above the last $2 raise.

Sixth Street (Minimum Bet $2)

Player 2: bet (first position)
Player 7: raise
Player 8: fold-----
Player 2: re-raise +
Player 7: re-raise +
Player 2: call +

20 40 Stud Poker Rules

Now that all bets, folds, raises, and calls are done for sixth street, the dealer burns the top card from the deck and deals the river, or the last (seventh) card facing down. Player 2 and Player 7 remain. The player who was in first position at sixth street maintains first position for this betting round. Player 2 is able to check or bet. When it is Player 7's turn, he is able to check, bet, raise or fold, depending on what Player 2 decides as his first move. Different scenarios to betting the river will be explained below.

The River (Minimum Bet $2)

Player 2: bet (first position)
Player 7: raise
Player 2: call +
20 40 stud rules

Now that all bets have been placed and called, both players 'show down', meaning they show their down-dealt cards along with the cards that were dealt facing up, to see which player has the best hand. The dealer compares the hands to see which is the best hand, and the pot goes to that player.

In another scenario, the betting could also have taken place as such:

Player 2 bets, Player 7 raises, Player 2 then re-raises, Player 7 re-raises. (capped betting round). The result would be the same, in that; both players would have to show-down, winner takes the pot.

In yet another scenario, Player 2 in first position, could check to player 7. If player 7 checks back, (a no-bet round) both players would also show-down, winner taking the pot.

A player in this round that makes a bet that is not called by any other player because they have folded does not have to show their hand. The player who placed the bet will win the pot by default. For example:

The River (Minimum bet $2)

Player 2: bet (first position)
Player 7: fold-----

Player 2 wins the pot and does not have to show their hand.


20 40 Stud Poker

The River (Minimum Bet $2)

Player 2: check √ (first position)
Player 7: bet
Player 2: fold-----

Poker 20 40 Stud Meaning

Player 7 wins the pot and does not have to show their hand.


The River (Minimum Bet $2)
Player 2: bet (first position)
Player 7: raise
Player 2: fold----

Player 7 does not have to show their hand and wins the pot. Player 2 did not call the last action (which was a raise) and folded.

After learning the basics of betting, you are now ready to learn winning-hand combinations and other strategies for low limit seven card stud!